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The Outside Clinic Home Eye Tests in association with Lloydspharmacy

Lloydspharmacy Medicine Manager

We understand how easy it is to miss a dose of medicine, or take your medicines at the wrong time of day. Lloydspharmacy's exclusive Medicines Manager Service can help make things easier. It is a weekly system, where all the medicines you need at each time of day are packed together in the same pocket. The daily dosage times are easily identified and sealed with tamper evident, customer friendly seals.

No matter how many medicines you have to take, Medicines Manager offers a reassuringly safe system to help and give you peace of mind.

Who is it for?

Medicines Manager is a free service from Lloydspharmacy for anyone taking multiple prescription medicines and finding it difficult to manage.

It not only helps individuals in their own homes, but also provides invaluable support for carers, both informal family members and professional carers.

How does it support carers?

It provides a system where it is easy to see whether medicine doses have been taken or not, enabling carers to perform either a checking role, a supportive assisting role or indeed provide a complete medicines' administration service.

Medicines Manager can provide the necessary support for Homecare Agencies and other professional carers looking to meet the rigorous standards requirements.

How do I start the Medicines Manager Service?

Its really quite simple, pop into your local Lloydspharmacy and a member of staff will help you complete the relevant paperwork. Alternatively, contact them through their website at

Their staff will explain exactly how your personal Medicines Manager Service will be operated.

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