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The Outside Clinic Home Eye Tests in association with Lloydspharmacy

Q. If I’m over 60, am I entitled to a free eye test at home?

A. Yes, if you need help or assistance to get to a high street optician.

Q. Is it the same as a High Street test?

A. Yes. All aspects of the examination will be carried out in the same way as it would be in a High Street practice. Modern compact equipment, allows your optician to perform the same test, sometimes using different types of devices.

Q. How will I know if you are the optician?

A. All staff wear a prominent identity badge, which includes their company ID Number. They have all been CRB and POVA checked and the company is registered with both the General Optical Council (GOC) and your local Primary Care Trust.

Q. What do I need to sign for my NHS test, and does the optician need to see proof?

A. Proof of eligibility will be requested by your optician, as required under current regulations. You will be required to sign a General Ophthalmic Services application form for the test to be conducted. Signing this form is also confirmation of your entitlement, should evidence not be available.

Q. Will I be able to choose spectacles?

A. A comprehensive range of spectacle frames is carried by our opticians, ranging from free frames (to those who are eligible on income grounds) to designer frames. There is also a range of over 600 lenses to choose from, to accommodate all types of prescriptions. Spectacles will be manufactured, upon the receipt of a minimum deposit of 50% of the total cost.

Q. How will I receive my spectacles?

A. All spectacles will be delivered and fitted by a member of the dispensing team who will fit each pair and ensure that the expected level of vision is being achieved.

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